How out of control is crime in Philadelphia under D.A. Larry Krasner?
On Wednesday night, some 90 minutes before some 500 citizens gathered at St. Monica's Church in South Philly to hold an anti-crime, anti-Krasner rally, police were just a couple blocks away, investigating a home invasion.
Two masked men entered an apartment at the 1700 block of Wolf Street demanding to know where the money was. They assaulted a 62-year-old man, who appeared to know they were coming, according to cops, and ransacked the place. According to a police report, the robbers pulled a gun on a 20-year-old woman who was a witness to the crime, after the victim claimed that she had the money. Then they slashed the victim in the face and head with a knife and left him bleeding in a bedroom. The victim was transported to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, where he was reported to be heavily sedated in the ICU.
Meanwhile, one of the top law enforcement officials who spoke at the anti-crime, anti-Krasner rally, Anthony Voci, chief of the D.A.'s homicide unit, was himself the victim of an attempted robbery at 12:15 p.m. today in Center City, underneath the concourse of Dilworth Plaza.
A police report said that three young men approached Voci and demanded money.
"Bitch, you know you got two dollars. Give it to me."
When Voci refused, the dispute escalated until finally the trio ran off. Police were investigating the incident as an attempted robbery.
Voci was unharmed. He reportedly told police not to bother chasing the suspects because his boss, D.A. Larry Krasner, would probably just turn them loose anyway.
In the home invasion, the radio call came over at 4:54 p.m. Police were looking for two suspects; a 5-foot-5 black male nicknamed "Twin," dark-complexioned, in his 20s, wearing a black hoodie, black sweatpants, and a mask.
A second suspect was described as a 5-foot-4 white male, wearing blue jeans, a black hoodie, a green hat with white stripes and a mask.
If they are arrested, the two suspects should ask for a face-to-face meeting with their "Uncle Larry" over at the D.A.'s office. Krasner routinely meets with and advises accused criminals and their lawyers on how to beat the rap, only he calls the sessions "proffers."
In the apartment where the home invasion happened, police recovered a bloody knife. An affidavit for arrest was obtained, as well as a search warrant.
The alleged victim in the attack has a criminal record that includes arrests on seven narcotics charges, resulting in two guilty pleas on felonies, plus arrests for two thefts from vehicle, two retail thefts, and criminal mischief. The home invasion is still under investigation.
So is Voci's work as the bumbling head of the homicide unit, in an office where none of the rookie prosecutors know what they're doing. And, under Voci, they lose big cases like the Rittenhouse Square murder, where 22-year-old Michael White used a knife with a six-inch blade to stab to death Sean Schellenger, 37, a developer who was unarmed, in front of a bunch of witnesses, one of whom caught the murder on a cell phone video.
At the anti-crime, anti-Krasner rally, Voci tried to explain to the citizens why he and the D.A. sat down with Michael White and his team of public defenders and "interviewed" White for two hours. During the interview, Krasner and his wing man, Voci, came off like defense lawyers, public defenders, or therapists.
Anything but prosecutors.
Thanks to the work of Voci and Krasner, who downgraded the charges against White from first-degree murder to third-degree murder, and finally to just voluntary homicide, and the ineptitude of the prosecutors in the case, the killer walked. He only got probation for tampering with evidence, by throwing away the knife that he used to kill Schellenger.
While Voci was giving a speech Wednesday night at St. Monica's about why he and D.A. Krasner sat down with White -- "We got Mr. White's version of what happened" -- people in the crowd asked Voci why he and Krasner were more interested in aiding criminals, rather than crime victims.
Another man asked Voci why White was sitting court-side at a recent Sixers game.
Voci, who was giving a speech about how the D.A. was working hard on behalf of all the citizens, did not respond to either question.
Voci, just a cowardly puppet, horrible way to go through life that way!