for BigTrial.net
Dear Jane Roh, I've got some bad news for you and your boss.
I know that part of your job as District Attorney Larry Krasner's $118,000 a-year "communications director" is to never respond to any of my questions. That's because your main objective is to prevent any of the critical Big Trial stories about your boss from migrating to The Philadelphia Inquirer, or any other media outlet.
For months, you've been quite successful at your mission. But now that's over.
This week, three Big Trial posts that take a critical look at your boss, Progressive Larry Krasner, were published in their entirety on lawenforcementtoday.com, [LET] a national police website with 38,600 followers on Twitter and about 10,000 followers on linkedin. The result: a national audience is finally discovering how radical and reckless D.A. Krasner really is.

Fallen officer's widow slams radical Philly D.A. for trying to release husband's killer.
This is how LET promoted that story on Twitter: "A cold-blooded cop-killer may walk out of jail if this D.A. gets his way. We can't let this story get swept under the rug."
Cop tries to expose corruption in Soros-funded D.A.'s office. Gets threatened with criminal charges.
On Twitter, the pitch from LET was: "This has all the elements of a government cover-up. Help us expose them."
Soros-backed Philadelphia D.A. lets two-time killer walk free:
On Twitter, LET wrote: "This police-bashing DA just allowed another killer to walk free. Let that sink in."
Ouch. Can't imagine any of your progressive friends at The Philadelphia Inquirer raking your boss over the coals like that. It's such a shame that everybody isn't a progressive.
In addition, Search Warrant, a new cop-hosted podcast, has posted the above trio of stories as well as many other Big Trial scoops about Progressive Larry Krasner on Twitter. Some of the readers comments have been pretty interesting, such as this one from "I am CaptainAmerica:"
"Why is this not in the news #philly @6abc @CBSPhilly @NBCPhiladelphia @Fox29philly @thephillyvoice."
The captain raises a good question, why isn't the local media writing about any of the stuff? We know that at the Inquirer, they've even gone so far as to kill negative stories about Krasner.
But why isn't the Inquirer interested in what the lawyers for Maureen Faulkner, the widow of murdered police officer Danny Faulkner, have dug up about Larry Krasner's radical past? In an ongoing state Supreme Court case about the most divisive cop murder case in the city's history it sure looks like Progressive Larry has a conflict of interest when it comes to seeking justice for Danny Faulkner.
Why? Because, according to Faulkner's lawyers, Krasner formerly served on a legal team for a radical left-wing organization that Mumia Abu-Jamal, Danny Faulkner's killer, was and still is a current board member of. The "legal collective" that Krasner served on was organized to defend more than 400 protesters who got arrested at the Republican National Convention of 2000.
A legal collective that tried to get former Municipal Court Judge Seamus McCaffery recused, not only because he was a former cop, but also because the judge served as grand marshal of the Daniel Faulkner Memorial Motorcycle Run!
Sure looks like a problem to me. But apparently only Big Trial is interested in that story. And the story about the detective who went to U.S. District Court to charge that the D.A.'s office under Krasner tampered with a witness in an officer-involved shooting and, when the detective attempted to blow the whistle, the D.A.'s office threatened him with arrest.
There's also the story about the two-time killer that Krasner's office let off scot-free because of a $25 traffic ticket.
And the 18 new ADAs hired by Progressive Larry who just flunked the bar exam.
The list goes on. And on.
Oh Jane, I forgot to congratulate you for becoming part of the story! In the state Supreme Court case filed by the lawyers for Maureen Faulkner, a response brief from the D.A.'s office reveals that you were disciplined internally for that hilarious tweet about the race of the protesters targeting your boss, who were demonstrating on behalf of the widow of the slain officer.
Hope Progressive Larry didn't come down too hard on you for that. Would love to know what the internal discipline involved was, if there really was any. A day off with pay? Maybe two? I imagine that under your boss's progressive revolutionary front, trashing the white supporters of Danny and Maureen Faulkner probably qualified you for a merit badge
One last thing. Search Warrant, the new podcast, devoted a segment to your boss and his fellow George Soros funded DAs, entitled, "Hijacking the Criminal Justice System -- Defense Attorneys Masquerading as District Attorneys."
But I can understand why you don't have the time to tune in. You're way too busy banning troublesome local reporters from attending your boss's press conferences.
Or telling those reporters no comment.
Or ignoring my emails.
Keep on fighting the revolution.
And I'll do my best to keep a national audience informed about what your boss is really up to.
All the best,
Ralph Cipriano
Ralph, you should encourage a food truck rodeo in front of City Hall and the DA's Office. It would be a great New Year's Gesture.
ReplyDeleteHaving Illegals serve slop to the Real Political Swine might get attention.
Where I grew up in Cumberland County, we referred to eastern PA as Filthy Delphia. They might have filled in the tire destroying potholes, but everything else has gotten worse.
ReplyDeleteRepeating earlier posts under a different article - How does Jane Roh have a job? Krasner & Co what to go after police officers for Facebook posts but his own employees are allowed to make racist posts with no peril to their job.
ReplyDeleteExtremely good question.
DeleteRalph Cipriano: Thank you. You are the only real journalist in the city. Keep going after them.
ReplyDeleteRight on and spotless
ReplyDeleteVladimar Putin would gladly take Krasner off our hands and hire him to work the Russian justice system which is run much like a dictatorship and Krasner woukld be more at home in Moscow than in Philadelphia. He wokuld have to be on Putin's good side at all times lest he get a one way ticket to a brutal prison in subzero Siberia.
ReplyDeleteThere will be a lot of 2 Street Wenches in black face to acknowledge Mayor McDrunk's selection of 'OUTLAW' a dyke afro desk cop from Oakland who majored in Sociology and Black Panther Studies.
ReplyDeleteKenney and NY De Blasio will go down in Law Enforcement History as Criminally Incompetent and a threat to Public Safety.
ReplyDeleteIn 1987 a woman was assaulted at knife-point in her car before escaping on foot. Weeks later, police came across the victim's stolen car and detained two men who said they'd gotten the car from the driver's brother. Police never investigated the brother, who was the reported source of the car, whose home contained the victim's car registration paperwork, and who matched the victim's description of her assailant.
Gerry was arrested two years later after being identified by the victim on the street, and was convicted despite an alibi for the time of the crime and distinct differences between his appearance and the description of the attacker. The jury never heard key evidence about the victim’s car registration being found at the home of someone else who met the physical description of the attacker.
Today's exoneration was the result of a reinvestigation by the Innocence Project and the Conviction Integrity Unit of the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office, which agreed to vacate the conviction based on the failure of law enforcement to properly investigate the case and the lack of disclosure of evidence that substantially implicated someone else.
Throughout decades in prison, Gerry and his family never lost faith that this day would come. We are grateful for the prosecutor's office's commitment to justice, and for our community whose support makes days like today possible.