for BigTrial.net
A judge last week blasted District Attorney Larry Krasner for not doing his homework in the Meek Mill case.
According to an alarming 47-page order and opinion issued by Common Pleas Court Judge Genece Brinkley, in jumping on the bandwagon to free Meek Mill, the office now run by Progressive Larry was "abdicating its responsibility to conduct a review of this case."
Progressive Larry was already down with the plan to let the rapper out of jail, vacate his prior conviction and grant him a new trial. But the judge wrote that she remained "unconvinced" that Mill's conviction should be overturned "considering the obvious lack of investigation and review" emanating from the D.A.'s office. So the judge denied the newly freed rapper's request for a new trial.
According to the judge's order and opinion, when Progressive Larry latches onto a cause, as in the Meek Mill case, he doesn't let logic or facts, or the duties of his office, get in the way of his emotions. And he didn't let the appearance of a conflict of interest bother him either.
In her order and opinion, the judge gave citizens a frightening look at the assembly line justice now being run out of the public defender's office, where, with the full cooperation of the D.A., hundreds of criminals are getting free passes out of jail. It's law enforcement progressive-style, where the goal is to free as many felons as possible, so they can imperil the rest of us.

The judge began by asking Riley a simple question.
Before you put your stamp of approval on Meek's petition for a new trial, the judge wanted to know, did you ever speak to any of the arresting officers? The cops who on Jan. 23, 2007, after running an undercover operation, observed the artist formerly known as Robert Williams, at the corner of 22nd and Jackson Streets, selling crack cocaine to a confidential police informant?
The Judge: "Now, for the D.A.'s office, so that the record is complete with regard to all of these stipulations, before you entered into these stipulations, Mr. Riley, did you subpoena or speak to retired Police Officer Reginald Graham?"
ADA Riley: "I did not, Your Honor."
The Judge: "Did you subpoena or speak to his lawyer, Mr. Abdul-Rahman?"
ADA Riley: "I did not, Your Honor."
The Judge: "Did you subpoena or speak to Police Officer Sonya Jones, who conducted the undercover surveillance with Police Officer Graham back on Jan. 23, 2007?"
ADA Riley: "No, I did not, Your Honor."
The Judge: "Did you subpoena or speak to Officer James Johnson, or any of the other back-up officers involved in the paperwork on Jan. 24, 2007?"
ADA Riley: "No, I did not, Your Honor . . ."
The Judge: "Did you speak to anyone at the FBI regarding their investigation of retired Police Officer Reginald Graham before you agreed to a new trial in this case? That happened on April 16th."
ADA Riley: "I did not speak to him, Your Honor."
The Judge: OK. Did you subpoena or speak to retired federal prosecutor Curtis Douglas?"
ADA Riley: "I did not."
The Judge: "Did you actually review any of the 302 investigation reports of the federal government involving Police Officer [Alphonso] Jett, who was one of the police officers involved in the arrest?"
ADA Riley: "I cannot say I reviewed the 302s, Your Honor. I am one of a number of people who have worked on these police misconduct investigations overall. So there -- I'm sure people in our office have."
The Judge: "OK, well your name is on everything that was submitted."
ADA Riley: "Correct, Your Honor, I'm clear I did not do that at all."
Now that should give every citizen nightmares about the way Progressive Larry the ideologue is handling the duties of his office.
In her 47-page opus, the judge recounted what happened after the undercover officers observed Williams selling crack cocaine to a confidential informant. When Williams saw the cops, he rode away on a dirt bike.
The very next day, the cops watched Williams make another drug sale to another confidential informant. According to the judge, when the cops confronted him, Williams responded by pointing a loaded gun at the officers before he took off running.
In a subsequent search of his home, after his arrest, the police discovered "13 red packets and 13 clear jars with purple tops of marijuana, 128 grams of marijuana in a clear Ziploc baggy, and $6,808 in U.S. currency," the judge wrote.
The cops were just getting started.
"From the dining room table, police discovered 6 grams of marijuana and a black gun holster," the judge wrote.
"From the basement police recovered 11 grams of crack cocaine in one clear baggy, and a black bag that contained 213 grams of marijuana, as well as a variety of drug paraphernalia, including razor blades covered in white powdery residue, new and used clear plastic packets, clear jars with purple tops, and box of Remington 40 caliber bullets."
That's in addition to a gun that Williams kept hidden in his pants, a "9 mm Luger semi-automatic loaded with 8 live rounds, with an obliterated serial number."
Wow, that sure sounds like a criminal. But now that he's a famous rapper, free Meek Mill!
In another section of her order and opinion, the judge questioned Public Defender Bradley Bridge on the process by which his office is getting hundreds of convicted drug dealers out of jail.
The current freedom train starts with our top law enforcement officer, Progressive Larry Krasner. Progressive Larry keeps a "Do Not Call List" "regarding officers from which there have been credibility issues that have risen," Bridge told the judge.
Everything about the Do Not Call List, as in do not call them as witnesses, is murky. What a cop has to do to get on Larry's list. What a cop has to do, short of death, to get off Larry's list. And the big question is whether due process has anything to do with Larry's list.
In the case of retired Police Officer Reggie Graham, the cop who arrested Meek Mill, here's what happened when he landed on Larry's Do Not Call List. Over at the Public Defender's office, Bradley Bridge knew that whenever a cop lands on Larry's list, it's Bridge's chance to raise questions about the legitimacy of any arrests the cop might have made. So Bridge proceeds to try and get as many people as possible previously arrested by that cop out of jail.
In the judge's 47-page order and opinion, she describes that process. According to Bridge, you land on the list if you're guilty of "criminal charges, deceit or brutality." Again, there's a question of due process.
The public defender meets with the D.A., to "determine the viability of a claim that the conviction was gained by corrupt police officers at a time that the corruption was known to have existed," Bridge told Judge Brinkley.
The cases are then "consolidated for review, and relief is granted by agreement of the parties," the judge wrote. If the D.A. has no further evidence "other than the testimony of the corrupt police officer," the case is "nolle prossed," meaning abandoned or dismissed, at the "very same hearing," the judge wrote.
Bradley Bridge has sure been busy getting convicted criminals out of jail.
"Bridge has averred in his affidavit that he has worked on vacating over 1,500 convictions and filed an additional 6,000 PCRA [Post Conviction Relief Act] petitions based upon police officers on the Do Not Call List," the judge wrote.
The cases are consolidated and presented to one judge "in order to ensure a consistent process," the judge wrote. It's assembly line justice. However, there appear to be some flaws in the system, starting with the accuracy of data gathered by Public Defender Bridge.
In the case of rapper Meek Mill, the judge wrote, "Bridge inaccurately stated the facts of Defendant's case." According to the judge, Bridge told her that the defendant pleaded guilty to a single charge, possession with intent to distribute, and was sentenced on Aug. 19, 2008 to two-to-four years in jail, plus probation for eight years. Bridge also stated that the rapper had never filed an appeal under the PCRA.
But, the judge wrote, the true facts are these: the defendant never pleaded guilty, but was convicted at a nonjury trial. He was also charged with three other crimes, including a violation of the Uniform Firearms Act, possession of an instrument of crime, and simple assault.
Bridge also got the sentencing date wrong and the sentence; the defendant was sentenced on Jan. 16, 2009 to 11 1/2 to 23 months in jail, plus 10 years probation, the judge wrote. And the defendant did file a PCRA appeal, in 2018!
Way to go Bradley!! For those of you scoring at home that's five errors on the basic facts regarding the criminal record of one defendant.
In his PCRA petition on behalf of the rapper, Bridge stated that he is "still not aware" of the facts that "justified Officer Graham's placement on the secret list," the judge wrote. But that didn't stop Bridge from going out and getting three more of Officer Graham's prior cases dismissed, "without ever making himself aware" of how and why Officer Graham wound up on the D.A.'s Do Not Call list, the judge wrote.
The judge seemed shocked at the way Bridge was going about his business, without any facts at his disposal, other than who's on the D.A.'s Do Not Call list.
"The records in those cases remain void of any investigation that would have informed Bridge as to the facts known to the District Attorney that would justify Officer Graham's placement on the list," the judge wrote. The judge added that "having taken notice of how inaccurate the facts were," and how badly Bridge bungled applicable case law in his petition on behalf the rapper, "This court cannot rely on Bridge's testimony regarding how such PCRA petitions should be handled."
The judge said she found similar mistakes made by Bridge in other PCRA petitions attempting to toss previous arrests made by retired Officer Graham. "It is not clear whether Bridge's statements were intentional misrepresentations or innocent errors," she wrote.
During the hearing where Bridge got three previous Graham arrests tossed by Judge Sheila Skipper Woods, Judge Brinkley wrote, without any evidence. "It is undisputed that no findings of fact or law were actually put on the record," the judge wrote. "As a result, this Court is not bound by those determinations."
Now we finally get to due process, and the flaws in the way the freedom railroad operates. During his appearance in Judge Brinkley's court, Public Defender Bridge testified that he filed a group of 1,400 PCRA petitions to overturn arrests made by six Officers -- Thomas Liciardello, Brian Reynolds, Perry Betts, Michael Spicer, John Speiser and Linwood Norman -- all former members of the Narcotics Field Unit South.
More than 1,000 of the unit's arrests have already been overturned to date, most involving convicted drug dealers who pleaded guilty. Hundreds of these cases were dismissed on the accusations of a government informant, a corrupt former narcotics officer named Jeffrey Walker, even before the accused narcotics officers went on trial in a 26-count federal racketeering case.
These aren't all nickel bag arrests. In just two of those arrests, Mohammed Samhan and Kit "Fatboy" Poon were caught red-handed in 2012 with more than 200 pounds of marijuana worth more than $2 million. Both drug dealers decided to cooperate, before they were sprung from jail by Bradley Bridge, after he got the approval of corrupt former District Attorney Rufus Seth Williams.
Then, the narcs went to trial in federal court. On May 14, 2015, a jury found those six cops not guilty on all 47 charges contained in 26 separate counts. The jury foreman told this reporter the case was so easy to decide they could have been done in ten minutes. That's because the government had no evidence to prove any of the charges, the foreman said. All the feds had were the seemingly rehearsed and amazingly similar stories, complete with the same catch phrases, told by a bunch of drug dealers, and the allegations of corrupt cop Jeffrey Walker.
Three hundred of those newly emancipated drug dealers then turned around and filed civil rights suits against the city. In the courtroom of U.S. Magistrate Timothy R. Rice, a group of lawyers negotiated a "global settlement" for the first 75 plaintiffs, with 225 more plaintiffs right behind them. It's a global settlement that will eventually cost city taxpayers millions of dollars.
The law firm that took a leadership role in negotiating the global settlement for the first 75 plaintiffs -- why it was Larry Krasner's law firm.
In her opinion and order, Judge Brinkley explained the process of how the public defender's office goes about getting convictions of drug dealers thrown out en masse.
It's pretty shocking stuff:
"Bridge testified that he would provide the court with a spread sheet and the court would go through the list, typically giving each case 10 to 15 seconds of consideration, and grant relief in bulk," Judge Brinkley wrote.
"He [Bridge] stated that as many as 150 cases were reviewed in one sitting. In all of those cases, no evidentiary hearing took place," the judge wrote, "and the court granted relief solely based upon agreement of the parties without any further inquiry. He [Bridge] testified that this had been the process for the past 23 years."
Bridge then explained to Judge Brinkley that he filed PCRA petitions against former Officer Graham based on two events. The first event, the judge wrote, was an article in the Inquirer alleging that Officer Graham had been placed on the D.A.'s Do Not Call List.
The second event Bridge occurred on March 25, 2018, when Progressive Larry Krasner actually gave Bridge a copy of his top-secret Do Not Call List.
A grateful Bridge stated that he promptly went out and "filed a total of 290 post-conviction petitions solely based upon the District Attorney's" Do Not Call List. And that three of the petitions had already been granted thanks to "the streamlined process" already in place where the D.A. and the public defender agree that the defendants require "immediate relief without an evidential hearing."
The judge then overturns the prior conviction and grants a new trial.
What happens whenever you let a bunch of criminals get out of jail? Why a significant number of them go right back out there and commit more crimes.
For example, let's go back to those 1,000 drug dealers that Bridge and Rufus Seth Williams let out of jail. The court records of many of those prior convictions have been purged from the system.
In a story I wrote for Newsweek last year, when the number of freed drug dealers was at 800, I was able to trace the histories of more than 400 of those criminals who got their convictions overturned. As I recounted in Newsweek, more than 200 of them got locked up again, many repeatedly, for more crimes that included narcotics, rape, robbery, burglary, aggravated assault, aggravated assault with a gun, attempted murder, and murder.
The freed drug dealers included Jason V. Siderio, 34, arrested by the Narcotics Field Unit South on July 8, 2009 and charged with criminal conspiracy, possession and manufacture of barbiturates, after he was caught with pills that had a street value of $17,260.
For example, let's go back to those 1,000 drug dealers that Bridge and Rufus Seth Williams let out of jail. The court records of many of those prior convictions have been purged from the system.
In a story I wrote for Newsweek last year, when the number of freed drug dealers was at 800, I was able to trace the histories of more than 400 of those criminals who got their convictions overturned. As I recounted in Newsweek, more than 200 of them got locked up again, many repeatedly, for more crimes that included narcotics, rape, robbery, burglary, aggravated assault, aggravated assault with a gun, attempted murder, and murder.
The freed drug dealers included Jason V. Siderio, 34, arrested by the Narcotics Field Unit South on July 8, 2009 and charged with criminal conspiracy, possession and manufacture of barbiturates, after he was caught with pills that had a street value of $17,260.
As recounted in Newsweek, Siderio pleaded guilty on Oct. 21, 2010, and was sentenced to 2 ½ to 5 years in jail. But his conviction was overturned on June 19, 2014, thanks to the D.A. and the public defender.
Less than a year later, on March 18, 2015, Siderio was charged with murder after he allegedly shot to death Michael Walsh, 38, in the Gray’s Ferry section of Philadelphia. Siderio was held in jail pending trial.
As recounted in Newsweek, many of the convictions overturned involved career criminals. Such as Anthony Hill, 26, of Northeast Philadelphia, who was arrested on May 3, 2009, for possession with intent to manufacture. After his original arrest, Hill was arrested seven more times on narcotics charges, and pleaded guilty six times.
The convicted drug dealers who went free also include Mario Adorno, 40, of North Philadelphia. The narcs arrested Adorno on July 20, 2006, a conviction that was overturned on Nov. 20, 2015. But after his original 2009 arrest for narcotics, Adorno was arrested 11 more times for narcotics, and pleaded guilty four times.
The convicted drug dealers who went free also include Mario Adorno, 40, of North Philadelphia. The narcs arrested Adorno on July 20, 2006, a conviction that was overturned on Nov. 20, 2015. But after his original 2009 arrest for narcotics, Adorno was arrested 11 more times for narcotics, and pleaded guilty four times.
But guess what? Adorno is one of those 300 formerly convicted drug dealers who sued the city claiming their civil rights were violated. He's waiting to get paid.
Regarding the hundreds if not thousands of criminals that Bridge and Krasner are now letting out of jail, will anybody be keeping track of what havoc they wreak on the city?
Those allegations of corruption against the arresting officer, Reggie Graham, were the legal basis for the campaign to free Meek Mill. Like the D.A.'s office, when it came to investigating the original arrest of Meek, the public defender didn't do anything.
Bridge: "No. I take that back. I mean, I take that back. I did look at some internal affairs investigations involving him [Officer Graham]."
The Judge: "Did you speak to retired Police Officer Graham yourself?"
Bridge: "I have not."
The Judge: "OK. Did you subpoena or speak to his lawyer, Mr. Abdul-Rahman?"
Bridge: "I did not . . ."
The Judge: "Did you subpoena or speak to anyone -- I'm sorry, Police Officer Sonya Jones, who conducted undercover surveillance with Police Officer Graham back on Jan. 23, 2007?"
Bridge: "I did not."
The Judge: "Did you subpoena or speak to Officer James Johnson or any of the other back-up officers that were in the police paperwork for the date of arrest . . . 1/242007?"
Bridge: "I did not."
The judge asked if Bridge had ever talked to any FBI agents "specifically about [Officer] Graham?"
"I don't recall," Bridge said. "No, I don't think so."
The Judge: "Ok, were you aware of retired Police Office Graham's cooperation with the federal authorities back in 2014?'
Bridge: "I read about it, but I didn't have that information."
The Judge: "You didn't have that information?"
Bridge: "No."
Bridge also told the judge he never spoke with anybody from the Philadelphia Police Department's Internal Affairs or Officer Graham or his lawyer, before "agreeing with the Commonwealth that there were credibility issues related to Graham," the judge wrote.
"When asked what exactly he did do," the judge wrote, "Bridge stated, 'I examined the District Attorney's Do Not Call List. I saw the allegations contained on the list . . . It was based on that that I went forward and filed the post-conviction relief."
There you have it, folks. Larry puts a cop on the list, and Bridge gets the freedom train up and chugging so as many criminals as possible that the cop previously arrested can get out of jail.
It turns out that retired Officer Reggie Graham was indeed a federal informant who, during 2013 and 2014, when the FBI was investigating the narcs, "provided unsolicited information to federal investigators," the judge wrote. And one of those corrupt officers that Graham informed on was Jeffrey Walker, before Graham put in for a transfer.
"Officer Graham did all of this in order to disassociate himself from both Walker and the other corrupt officers," the judge wrote. "As a result, Walker was then transferred and Officer Graham was not . . . A few months thereafter, Walker was arrested for planting drugs in a vehicle."
When Walker got arrested, guess who was his lawyer? Why it was ace defense lawyer Larry Krasner, a fact noted with dismay by the judge.
"Notwithstanding the issue of a possible conflict of interest," Judge Brinkley wrote, Krasner as D.A. "agrees to PCRA relief in the form of a new trial."
Instead, because he had the appearance of a conflict of interest, Krasner probably should have recused himself from the case. But then he would have missed out on all the pub in the campaign to Free Meek Mill.
While he was in jail, corrupt Officer Walker told the feds that he gave Graham an envelope stuffed with cash, but Graham told the FBI he threw it in the trash.
"Officer Graham further explained that shortly before Walker was arrested, Walker confided that the other corrupted officers pulled guns on Walker and threatened to kill him because they found out he was talking to the FBI and ADA Douglas," the judge wrote. "Officer Graham then contacted ADA Douglas out of concern for Walker's safety."
As a result of cooperating with the feds, the judge wrote, Graham had his tires slashed and all the windows in his apartment broken.
In her opinion, Judge Brinkley wrote that "disgraced former Officer Jeffrey Walker is not credible" as the main accuser against Meek Mill's arresting officer, Reggie Graham. Graham, who broke his silence on the case during an interview with Steve Volk of Philly mag, continues to proclaim his innocence, the judge noted.
The judge wrote that Walker "was not present" at Meek Mill's arrest "and therefore had no personal knowledge of the case." Walker was also the prosecution's main witness at the racketeering trial of the six former members of the Narcotics Field Unit South, the judge wrote, and the jury obviously didn't believe him, because they acquitted all six officers on all 47 charges.
So the judge denied Meek's request to void his prior conviction, and grant him a new trial. And in the process, she did taxpayers a public service by exposing the whole shocking and corrupt system of conveyer belt justice that is putting former criminals like Meek Mill back on the streets as fast as possible.
DA Krasner needs to resign from the position as he is simply unwilling to enforce ALL of the laws on the books. Cherry picking which law you will enforce and which law you you will not enforce is not an option for Krasner and all DAs past, present and future.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that might happen.
DeleteThis is a Judge telling the story as she herself saw what is wrong with our DA Office It sounds like the DA Office has become a second public defenders office
ReplyDeleteWhat about all the money and other profits derived from the drug arrests that were overturned. Was the money given back to the drug dealers based on the fact that forfeitures use the same set of facts as outlined in the criminal case. I will guarantee that anything forfeited by the drug traffickers are still in the cities coffers. If the narcs testimony was good enough for the forfeiture petitions they are good enough for the criminal prosecutions. Krasner needs to go.
ReplyDeleteOverturning a conviction and granting a new trial is acknowledgement that the jury deserves to hear about the credibility problems with Graham and the other cops.
ReplyDeleteIn cases where I presented issues with their credibility (once the documents were released to me by the city), I won because the fact finder was so disgusted with them and felt that there was a reasonable doubt, not an imagined doubt created to avoid an unpleasant duty. If a prosecutor or judge were to follow the law, he should get a new trial.
This is what the people of Philly want....they voted him in. Now they get the benefits if they choice. Freed criminals, higher crime, demoralized cops....a gangstas paradise. All brought by Krasner.
ReplyDeleteBut we all pay the price as those same gangsters will be spreading their tentacles throughout the region. All because of these incompetent and/ or corrupt people claiming to be working for justice. '
DeleteSomething tells me there is more to all this -- collusion between the gangs and the lawyer (now DA) and people in the defenders office too.
Like just about everything--follow the money.
It's refreshing to see a judge who's not in the prosecutor's pocket for a change.
ReplyDeleteInstead of trying to shortcut the procedure to release convicted drug dealers, DA Krasner should be charging them with child endangerment. He could even use Danny Gallagher as a victim. While there is no corroboration for Gallagher's wild claims of child sexual abuse, there is plenty of corroboration that Gallagher was a drug user as a teen.
Krasner led the crusade against the city and the 6 narcotics office in 2014, whereby it eventually cost the taxpayers and the City of Philadelphia Millions of Dollars. Movie/Documentary. I followed it and witnessed the lies of the drug dealers on the stand day after day. It was a travisty of justice in every sense of the word. It was an unbelievable series of events.
ReplyDeleteThis entire article is not neutral at all this is a pro police, article just to undermine, and bash the DA. This article is complete trash. Also I know 6 of the victims of those dirt bag cops that planted drugs, 2 lost there children, and both of them had there cases overturned when those lying officers planted drugs, and beat her and her brother up. How about the 2 brothers who lost their business and 2 lucrative contracts because the police took them to a hotel and beat them for a day, and stole thousands from the.
ReplyDeleteThe DA is doing his own bashing on himself, as documented in amazing detail by the judge. As for whether those cops were dirty, the jury certainly came to the opposite conclusion. When was the last time every defendant in a RICO case got off on every charge? If the cops were dirty, your argument would be with the prosecutors, who put on the worst case I've ever seen.
DeleteSo true Ralph. The prosecutors were bumbline idiots and the FBI had nothing. They never even interviewed the narcotic officers
DeleteSupervisors. The reason they claim was they didn't think they would tell the truth. REALLY?????
The second worst case was the Philadelphia Traffic Court case, had the public been treated to the actual day to day courtroom proceeding, instead of the prosecutions version, the region would have been aghast at the prosecutions schemes to indict and convict on the flimsiest superficial evidence.
DeleteThe region also never knew of the special agent on the case who lied to aid the prosecution, we know for sure the FBI works for the prosecution and is political. As the Inky was an instrumental part of the prosecution in this case, there was no chance of these facts coming to light.
Ok so fill me in on how I go after the corrupt DA, lawyer and judge for getting my rapist off. He also has been in and out of jail for other crimes since then. I tried to call lawyers after I lost my case. They said the city has immunity. Where are my civil rights as tax paying, law abiding citizen???? Stupid me didn't pick a jury because i thought it was an open and shut case. Thats what the detective told me. My evidence was destroyed!!!! How does that happen???? Corrupt DA, lawyer and judge. Their excuse for the evidence being destroyed was there wasn't even room for it. Ive been taunted by my rapist 4 times over the years!!!!! Is this fair??? Is this justice???? Hell no!!! Ill continue to tell my story until I get justice, sanity and peace of mind. So if anyone has answers or knows what direction I need to take this please fill me in. Thank you
ReplyDeleteWish you would link the whole document so we can read
ReplyDeleteRalph, I generally enjoy your detailed analysis of interesting court cases, but I don't really understand the impetus to attack the public defender's office and APD Bridge in this case. You criticize DA Krasner for not doing his job - basically rolling over on law enforcement when it's his job to enforce the law - and yet, in the case of the defender's office and APD Bridge, you're criticizing him for doing exactly what he is paid to do - zealously represent his clients, be that in trial, plea negotiations, or PCRAs. If you want to call his testimony in this case sloppy, fine. But you are criticizing him for doing his job by defending the rights of those accused (and yes, sometimes wrongfully accused) of crimes. If it wasn't for defense counsel like Brad Bridge (those who zealously fight for their clients, which sometimes includes attacking credibility of an accuser), we wouldn't have a meaningful system of justice in this county and anyone accused of a crime, like, for instance, POs Licardello, Spicer, etc. wouldn't have had lawyers on their side to defend them and fight for acquittals, same as the public defender's office does every day for those without a powerful union behind them. You can't have it both ways.
ReplyDeleteThe criticism of the public defender's office emanates from Judge Brinkley.
ReplyDeleteThe point many people have made to date: we already have a public defender, Bradley Bridge, and the office he heads up. We don't need Larry Krasner as a second public defender.
Finding the time today, to dig into the Meek Mill Opus, it is clear that Judge Brinkley was an FBI Target in a Public Corruption Investigation and her advocating for Charlie Mack to represent Meek Mill was in itself grounds for prosecution.
ReplyDeleteThe Justice System will be radically reformed when Judges have PO's and don't hire flacks like Chuck Peruto to represent them.
A wealthy client of Peruto presented him with a platinum snorkel after his girlfriend drowned in his gold plated tub.
Well well well... Here goes Krasner again. What do you know? I turn on ABC6 in Philly today and he is already at it again regarding the Schellenger case. Krasner comes in grandstanding in a pretrial hearing and gets the sentence reduced to second degree murder; when video footage shows first degree murder. Even his own prosecutors were going after Murder 1 and here comes Larry to change the conviction. Please write a small post about this poor mother who lost her son and was deceived by Larry and his office!
ReplyDeleteTo the contrary, it's about time Philadelphia had a DA's office that understands that charging a higher degree of homicide (or any other offense, but especially homicide) than the facts appear to support is an abuse of power, while charging the right degree -- not necessarily the highest degree a jury might conceivably buy -- is a proper exercise of prosecutorial discretion. And the truth is that the victim's grieving family is not likely to be the best or most objective judge of that.
DeleteThe judge is a crook. Any judge who takes it upon themselves to usurp the process of the court and judicial system should be jailed