The jury in the rogue cops case spent a third day behind closed doors deliberating the fate of six defendants.
Judge Eduardo C. Robreno received two notes from the jury today.
The first asked to see three trial exhibits: D51, 9J and 9K.
Since the media was not provided with a list of trial exhibits and there is a gag order in the case, it remains a mystery as to what exhibits the jury was asking for.
The second note asked the judge if the jury could leave at 4:30 p.m. It was a request granted by the judge without requiring the jury to file into court seeking to be dismissed. The judge requested that the court clerk remind the jury of his instructions not to discuss the case or view media accounts.
The judge also announced that the lawyers in the case -- two prosecutors and six defense lawyers -- didn't have to continue to stake out the courtroom awaiting a verdict. A clerk was instructed to collect phone numbers. The judge told the lawyers to stay at locations no more than ten minutes away from the courthouse.
Deliberations are scheduled to resume at 9 a.m. tomorrow.
Starting to look more like a hung Jury. Time will tell if not tmrw most likely wed.
ReplyDeleteyou're nuts, a hung jury are you out of your mind, this is normal for a guilty verdict,each day goes by means guilty! I was on trial down there I know,I figure by Thursday or Friday it guilty verdict will be back
ReplyDeleteFrom your lips to God's ears!
DeleteYour Nuts 9:22--Each day that goes by looks more like guilty? even if you gave each defendant their own day for the jury to go through the charges against that individual that's 6 days. Not so fast with the Guilty verdict just because it's been a few days- remember theirs 6 men on trial here not One and a whole lot of SHIT to sort through.
ReplyDeleteStill coming out of this with a not guilty verdict boys. Keep your heads up.
Let's hope the Feds didn't screw this up too bad. I would hate to see this guys profit off this by getting a not guilty.
ReplyDeleteThe worst charge for these 6 is the Rico count. They beat that alot of other charges are mute. In my opinion i am sure some higher ups in the narc unit are sweeting the verdict out for fear on someone flipping n turning on them to the feds. For most of these 6 convicted on most of the charges including rico is basically a life sentence sent to the other side of the country for a 30 year bid.
ReplyDeleteJohn S should definitely walk. Sean O'Malley is one lucky bastard. John took his spot on squad as Omalley was milking the system on iod
ReplyDeleteOk still praying for Not Guilty here let these Boys go home enough with the Nonsense. Let the haters and snitch.s look over there shoulders the rest of the Summer
ReplyDeleteI hope today is the day!!! All the officers are in my prayers. Good luck to all of you
ReplyDeleteAnother day-- Here we go! Prayers, Prayers, Prayers for these 6 men. Let today be the day they get to move on with their lives.
ReplyDeleteToday will be the day these crooked cops get found guilty an realize they are gonna lose there freedom cant wait.
ReplyDeleteAfter deliberating your honor we the Jury find the 6 defendants NOT GUILTY ACROSS THE BOARD. YOU ARE FREE TO GO!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteImpossible for all 6 to get off on all charges.I know of 5 lawyers who wrote letters to the city and state officials about this narc squad.Pertaining to illegal searches,stealing and falsifying police reports.If there was nothing there to investigate,the narcs would have not been under investigation for so many years PERIOD
ReplyDeleteAmazingly, these alleged "letters" were not presented as evidence by the prosecution. I'm sure you know five lawyers that did this though. Psh.
ReplyDeleteYes and their names were Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy, Bashful and Doc.
DeleteAfter 3 long days of Deliberations, the jury has found all defendants GUILTY of all charges!!! I cant wait til these scumbags get what they deserve. 30 to life still isn't enough but I'll accept it.
ReplyDeleteTom licciardello - Remember taking $70,000 in that Coke case with the Italian kid and reporting only $7,000. Who would have thunk it...they caught you red handed. Pigs get slaughtered...remember?
ReplyDeleteYes!! He is the worst kind of cop, I can accept getting caught but this dude always takin it to another level. I cant wait til he gets his, and he will in the next few Hours!!! GUILTY on all charges!!!!
DeleteIm not a cop or a criminal, just a long time resident of Roxborugh n found this site while looking for news on a verdict. It's very informative. It seems a lot of info wasn't presented by the Feds and maybe someone who is more knowledgable could tell me why. If the Rolex was stolen, why didn't the Feds produce the paperwork to prove ownership? Rolex has serial numbers and the same with the van that was supposed to be sold. These items are easily traceable. Also, why weren't the officers financial records brought in. I would think that would be important. I don't think all these officers were stealing but as a resident of Roxborough (which is a very close knit community kinda like Mayberry) I have heard stories for many many years from cops and residents about Tommy L. I don't think he is all bad bc he has arrested some people who I had no idea were drug dealers. Makes u think who are your neighbors really but the cases always get tossed. It seems he has some strange choices in his friends, though. Tommy L. and his wife spend are very close with the Kingkiners, who are drug dealers in the Roxborough area. The kingkiner father and son have both been convicted of crimes involving drugs as recently as 2006 or 07. Also, the have business ventures together with a cheerleading gym. Why would someone who is a special Narcotics officer associate with someone like that? It would seem that being close friends with Elmer would be against some type of police policy. As residents, our issues are that the 5th won't touch the dealers anymore bc they all have lawsuits against the city. I am not able to believe that all these cops are 100% guilty or were involved in stealing. The dealers all talk to each other and saw the weakness of the unit bc of Toms friendship and Walkers arrest. I have neighbors who are cops and all say that most of these guys are great cops and are admired by many. They also have complained about tom n Walker for many years before the media started putting out articles so I know they are not just loyal to their coworkers so I believe their opinions. Above all, deep down I think most of the 6 were trying to do good by removing these dealers from the streets n are more what they call guilty by association bc of tom n walkers actions. Sometimes, we don't always see all aspects of a situation til after n maybe that's what happened to the rest of the squad. They may not have realized that their Intel was coming from a dealer/friend of a coworker. Things may have not been transparent as they should have for the officers while handling these jobs.
ReplyDeleteKeep hating you flunkie fuck cops and convicts can.t believe both are rooting for guilty verdicts not gonna happen slap dicks NOT GUILTY ACROSS THE BOARD!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNot Guilty or possibly a hung jury, no way in hell can they convict guilty with the lack of evidence. And for the bitch who posted at 6:41am, O'Malley went out IOD July 2009 and John Speiser never went to that squad until 2010 so stop spreading bad information and count your blessings you are not indicted
ReplyDeleteAnything yet George or Ralph?
ReplyDeleteDoesn't look at all like one or a few jurers are hung on anything. All questions from the jury are going in order of the counts so they are truly just going over everything one last time before making their decision. There was a lot of bullshit to sort through so its going to take awhile. Good luck gentlemen...we are praying for you!!
ReplyDeleteA few people will be sure you go down with the rest if your squad next time if hung
ReplyDeleteIm a ex con and ex dope dealer. Listen...tom got me and ruffed me up some too. But i got me freedom back when the judge set me free because of tom and his crew. Hey, my freedom is enough for me. Money dont matter when you lost your freedom. My point is i was in the street making money committing crime and they got me...in aloy of dirty ways they got me and i dont agree with tommys methods but thats for the law abiding citizen to judge. I will say this....LET THEM NARCS GO!!! I DONT WISH PRISON ON MY WORST ENEMY NOT THAT I HAVE ANY OF THE SORT. Im not a fan of cops but what can i say? I just dont like to see people in prison even if its dirty cops! Rapist yeah...molesters hell YES!!! Thats all i have to say and i really dont care either way cause i have my freedom and im not committing crimes anymore.
ReplyDeleteThis anxiety is killing me, I cant wait til these bastards are found GUILTY. And I can and do wish prison on bad people sorry 2:39, dirty cops especially. 25 years minimum for these pieces of crap. Any minute now should bring joy to my ears when tehy announce that these six are GUILTY!!!
ReplyDeleteYour intitled to your opinion. No hard feelings.
DeleteSo incredibly sad for their families.
ReplyDeleteWas there a decision made?
DeleteNot guilty on some charges hung on the rest.
ReplyDeleteNothing yet.
ReplyDeleteNothing today, keep the prayer in motion for tomorrow. Appears they are getting close to wrapping it up.
ReplyDeletePer Inquirer web site - the jury told judge this afternoon that they were at an impasse on one or more charges. Judge instructed the jury to continue to deliberate
ReplyDeleteI am sure Ralph will have more details later this evening.
So 6 jurors think guilty and 6 do not?
ReplyDeleteHung jury.... Feds can prepare a better case and bring all the dirty cops associated with this squad down.